A Blog in the MAKING !

NEPALESE OPTOMETRISTS: We are a small group of people. When we try to do something big, it will be small by the rule of nature. But we try to do something that is significant for us. And one more thing: we believe in what we do.

That said, let's not make it a hype that we are starting an optometry blog. It's not 'abracadabra' type of thing. It takes perseverance till it takes a definitive shape, and even then it will not make the sky fall. We don't wallow on something that does not exist or is way too far from the existence. But we, at least, try to make something exist. And we continue to do that.

There are around 1000+ optometrists in Nepal, most of them are residing in Nepal and less than a quarter percentage are abroad. We recognize very few of the optometrists among so many of them. That equally applies to all of us because everybody would know the people from the niche of their past or college. Some optometrists among us might be laborious and ingenious, we can spot them and help them and small guidance will be a jump-start for him/her. Many among us have won various international accolades, and unfortunately many other of us would not know about it. Someone might chip in, "what difference does it make if I know?" No, we should think of a bigger picture. Let me explain.

We might be from different walks of life. Someone of us are very different from some others. But, we are connected now by a single thread of our profession. Being an optometrist is all that explains why we should be familiar to what our seniors or colleagues have achieved, what juniors or colleagues are planning, how are they proceeding, what are the imminent challenges and the like. This makes a sense of bond that would strengthen the optometry as a fraternity. If one of us have crossed a topsy-turvy path, why not share the struggle of that journey to others so that it will be easy to cross the similar or same road to an aspirant? Is not it high time that we started a culture of love, respect and fellow-feelings with each other? Some experienced optometrists as pathfinder guardian and a rookie optometrist as pupil. In hard times, we should unite. In happy times, we should unite more. That's the motive of this project. Someone has to start it. And here we begin.  

So, story is catchy thing that contains many facets of a person's life. That means, you can present your story if you think it is commendable. It is not necessary that your story should provoke goose bumps, but it should be meaningful in a way that it can help to cope, endure, backlash and overcome a situation to other people.

You can contribute even by writing different aspects of optometry, vision, eye health, your interests, ideation, research works, review articles, critical thoughts, clinical cases, commentaries and opinions. Just make sure it comes from your heart word by word.  

Please invite more of your optometry friends or students so as to make the things rolling.

Thank you all in advance.
